A Caregiver’s Heart |
A Caregiving Story

Health Care AccessMental HealthPhysical Health

This Caregiving story features Christine, native of the Phillipines and a self-described “proud caregiver.” Christine lives and works in southern California where she has been taking care of Bette five days a week for the past five years.

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Bradley Cooper
Invites You to Share Your Caregiving Story

Health Care AccessMental HealthPhysical Health

Caregiving Executive Producer Bradley Cooper opens up and invites you to #ShareYourCaregivingStory. Sharing your stories helps build a community of understanding, offer hope to others, and highlight the challenges and triumphs of caregiving.

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Lean on Me |
A Caregiving Story

Health Care AccessMental HealthPhysical Health

This Caregiving story features Greg and CoRy, a father and son who have always been close, sharing artistic passions, goals and a love of each other.

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Caregiving Short Highlights Carters’ Legacy of Care 

Health Care AccessMental HealthPhysical Health

Josh Carter, the grandson of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, is featured in Caregiving: Generations, discussing the deep personal connection his family has to caregiving.

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Role Models |
A Caregiving Story

Health Care AccessMental HealthPhysical Health

This Caregiving story features Carlos Olivas III, a Latino, male caregiver to his veteran father who has mild dementia.

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My First Priority |
A Caregiving Story

Health Care AccessPhysical Health

In this “Caregiving” story, Matt struggles to maintain some semblance of normalcy and stability for his young son, Ty, when his wife, Kanlaya, is suddenly debilitated by two massive strokes and a cancer diagnosis that left her paralyzed and cognitively impaired.

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Eyes on Dad |
A Caregiving Story

Mental Health

This Caregiving story features Lynnette Canedy, who has been caring for her father Thomas for five years without taking a vacation. It’s a portrait of devotion and selflessness in the face of the impending loss of a loved one.

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Share Your Story

Share your well-being stories, caregiving journey, and messages of encouragement on the Well Beings Community Storywall to contribute to the collective strength and resilience of our online community. We invite caregivers of all ages and those dedicated to overall well-being to share stories, videos, photos, and reflections to offer hope, build community and awareness, and foster understanding. Submit your content via social media, using the hashtag #WellBeings or email your story to info@wellbeings.org. Your submission may be featured in the We Are Well Beings Storywall.

The We Are Well Beings Storywall is made possible by the generous support of Otsuka and People:

Otsuka   People

Well Beings Spotlight

How do you fight an enemy you can’t see? Well Beings presents a youth-focused digital series, Out of The Dark. The series follows young people from diverse backgrounds who face the greatest challenge of their life and find strength they never knew they had.

The fight against dementia is on the verge of a breakthrough. Defeating Dementia is the story of the scientists and families leading the effort. Coming to PBS in 2026

The Well Beings campaign addresses the critical health needs of Americans through broadcast content, original digital content, and impactful local events. The multi-year campaign, created by WETA Washington, D.C., brings together partners from across the country, including patients, families, caregivers, teachers, medical and mental health professionals, social service agencies, private foundations, filmmakers, corporations and media sponsors, to create awareness and resources for better health for all.

WellBeings.org is a health and wellness resource, not a crisis or suicide response website. If you are in crisis, or experiencing thoughts of suicide, please call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988. The service is free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.