
Inspirational Quotes by Trailblazing Hispanic-Americans

from our Optimisticles blog series

By Wes Kilgore, Well Beings

We’re in the homestretch for National Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs annually from September 15 to October 15. To pay tribute and celebrate the histories, cultures and contributions of generations of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain and Latin America and who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society, here is a selection of uplifting quotes by Hispanic-American trailblazers.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – Youngest Woman to Ever Be Elected to Congress 

“Mentors of mine were under a big pressure
to minimize their femininity to make it.
I’m not going to do that.
That takes away my power.
I’m not going to compromise who I am.”

Ellen Ochoa – First Hispanic Woman in Space

“What everyone in the astronaut corps shares in common
is not gender or ethnic background,
but motivation, perseverance, and desire
– the desire to participate in a voyage of discovery.”

Chita Rivera – First Hispanic Woman Awarded the Kennedy Center Honors

Chita Rivera

“You really have to be in touch with your soul
and spirit and your imagination
– it keeps you in shape,
and it makes you like yourself a bit more.

Roberto Clemente – First Hispanic Baseball Player Inducted Into the MLB Hall of Fame

Corinne Bailey Rae The Love EP Album Cover

“If you have a chance to accomplish something
that will make things better for people coming behind you,
and you don’t do that,
you are wasting your time on this earth.”

Rita Moreno – First Hispanic Woman to Win an Academy Award

“I live in the moment.
The moment is the most important thing.
That’s my entire philosophy:
Make the best of the good moments.”

Sonia Sotomayor – First Hispanic Supreme Court Justice

“I do know one thing about me:
I don’t measure myself by others’ expectations
or let others define my worth.”

José Ferrer – First Hispanic Actor to Win an Acting Academy Award

“I am more important
than my problems.”

Selena – First Tejano Artist to Win a Grammy

“If you have a dream,
don’t let anybody take it away,
and always believe
that the impossible is possible.”

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