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Well Beings Educator Toolkit

Welcome to the Well Beings Educator Toolkit! This is a comprehensive, curated collection of resources for use by educators, administrators, school support staff, counselors, social workers, and first responders who work directly with, and for, young people.

The Well Beings Educator Toolkit includes resources from WETA National Programming, including Ken Burns Presents Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness, and various partner organizations who are experts in their field and have significant experience producing materials to support students.

We believe that a school is a community and it is important that every level of that community works together to support students. That is why we work with our partners to adapt existing materials to produce a curated toolkit with lesson plans, professional development, workbooks, discussion guides, arts and performance assets for classrooms, access to helplines and support, and resources to support caregivers’ own needs – each tailored to serve the broader education community.

The materials in the resources section below are available in several formats from our partner websites including downloadable PDFs, printable posters, art files, infographics, videos, PowerPoint decks and much more. 

The Toolkit is designed to grow as new materials and resources become available and will be updated regularly.

For the latest Well Beings updates, subscribe to the Well Beings newsletter here.

Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness is now streaming on PBS Passport.

Toolkit Resources is a mental health resource, not a crisis or suicide response website. If you are in crisis, or experiencing thoughts of suicide, please call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988. The service is free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.